We at MD Systems are 100% Drupal 8 advocates. We believe that it is the best solution for building various kinds of websites (older versions of Drupal included). We have believed in this for years and that is one of the reasons why we have been actively involved in its development since the beginning of the cycle. From leaders in core space to driving whole contrib initiatives (Media, Paragraphs, ...) forward, there probably is no significant part of the Drupal 8 ecosystem to which our company has not contributed at some point.
With that said, we also understand most of the concerns that are often expressed about the challenges that Drupal 8 introduced for many organizations such as NGOs, non-profits and small businesses. We believe that Drupal 8 can provide a lot of value for this kind of organizations so we decided to use our vast experience with Drupal distributions (NP8, Kampatools, Thunder) and build something that certainly will help us to fill the gap and bring Drupal back to the grassroots.
Many features for a low price
Today we would like to announce Primer, our new Drupal 8 distribution for small organizations. It comes with many features, standard design and low cost of entry. It uses a business model that allows us to continue its development, which means that you will always be up-to-date and that you can benefit from new features in the future.
What will Primer allow me to do?
Primer’s content creation is built around the popular Paragraphs module. It comes with more than 20 content components that can be used individually or combined, using different layouts and/or styles. Each of those components has out-of-the-box support in the Primer’s standard design, so it will look exactly as it should without any need for development or theming.
This approach allows anyone to build arguably complex landing-, overview-, campaign- and other pages solely through the editorial user interface. Combined with the great flexibility of the standard design (more about that later), it is possible to build a perfect website that uses organization’s branding for a very low cost.

Three out of many components that come with Primer: content reference, quote and layouts.
Eager to explore more examples of features that Primer offers out of the box? Check the examples page on its website.
Besides its innovative approach to content creation we added much more functionality to Primer. From advanced media management and multilingual support to community generated content and event management.
Did we get your attention? Find out more and get in touch for a demo.
What are features without a good looking design?
Not much, really. Yes, we agree with you on that!
That’s why we built a powerful standard theme that will allow you to adapt the look & feel of your new website to the branding and needs of your organization. All that just by adjusting few configuration options, no custom development and without skyrocketing costs.
But let me be quiet for a second and let the results speak for themselves….

Four examples of design variations.
You don't believe me? Then you should definitely surf to the Primer’s design demo page and see it for yourself!
How much does it cost?
Are you afraid to learn? So many cool features must come with a huge price tag!
Not really! Primer-based site won’t cost you a fancy sport car. Heck, it won’t even cost you a family sedan!
The basic package, which includes vast majority of features that I mentioned so far, comes at 4950 CHF (~4350€/~$5100). Yes, fully running websites using the color scheme, logo and fonts of your choosing for around five grand. All that with professional support and constant updates with bug fixes and new features.
To good to be true, I know.
And the best thing about it? It is Drupal 8 with all its strengths. Need custom features? Find any Drupal professional and it will be coded for you. Prefer completely customized design? Sure, no problem! Is “there a module for that”? Install it on your Primer site and start using it today.
Possibilities are literally endless! Get in touch today and have a new state-of-the-art website by the end of the week.
Are you an agency?
Are you a Drupal shop or a digital agency? Would you like to stop building custom projects that are 80% alike over and over again? Never had resources to build your own Drupal distribution?
We offer an affiliate program for you. Use Primer for your client’s projects. You will get an exceptional product with the professional support and will be able to focus on what you do the best - satisfy your client’s needs and growing your business.
We already started shipping first pilot projects on Primer. Would you like yours to be next? Get in touch today!