Financial independence with SmartPurse

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October 2020

SmartPurse is a toolkit to help women get smart with money, protect their future and increase their financial independence. The tools, tips and information on SmartPurse are built from years of practical experience, research and based on real-life insight from real people. The credo of SmartPurse is that financial confidence means independence, opportunities and peace of mind for all.

Talking to thousands of women, we learned that there is no safe and welcoming space for women to discuss the money questions impacting their lives and to get practical help.
Women told us that despite everything that is out there, much of the information provided on money and finance is overwhelming and does not really provide the conclusive answers they need to do to take control of their financial future. As many as 4 out of 10 women told us that they don’t even know where to start with financial planning, and 6 out of 10 young women leave long-term financial responsibilities to their partners.
With a team of global thought leaders specialising in gender equality and finance, we set out to change that - to revolutionise the way women discuss and plan their money. 

Company Details


A UK limited company founded in 2019

500’000 £

Angel investor funding, June 2020


7 people in CH, UK and Germany


Proprietary, custom made


Freemium, B2B2E and B2B2C


Expansion in Q4 2020

We inspire women from all over the world to build fulfilling and financially independent lives by answering their questions and giving them the motivation, knowledge and tools to take control of their financial future with confidence.

How is SmartPurse different from anything out there?


No commercial purchase points, no strings attached.

All in one place

The only complete solution with tools, coaches, courses, events, all in one single platform.

Practical, action-oriented, personalized

16 steps based on money questions from real women, personalized learning incl. progress measurement.

Motivating - peace of mind

Encouraging, motivating, inviting, tracks progress, helps to get the financial stuff done.

Helping you save money

Helps to avoid mistakes and to fall victim to unfortunate situations and being taken advantage of.

SmartPurse helps women get to grips with money in 3 ways:



You can never learn too early or too late how to be financially independent. 
For our users who know exactly what they’d like to do, they can jump right into the topic of retirement, saving money or growing money. For those who first need to find out where they stand, we offer a little financial health check. Our 13 questions help users  to find out what they feel and know about money. This survey will help them to see where they stand today and what steps they can take to become financially confident. 


SmartPurse believes in the power of sharing knowledge and supporting each other. That’s why we have put together a program of regular events, meet-ups, speeches and webinars.


A financial advisor can save their audience a lot of time and money, build their financial confidence and help them to invest successfully. The biggest challenge is to find the right person for them. This is why SmartPurse decided to build a unique “matchmaking” service to help their audience find their trusted partner.

"Thanks to Thunder we managed to develop a broadly relevant system that aims to solve the global challenge of financial inclusion with better functionality than any standard learning system. The tech allows us to have a competitive advantage both, in terms of price as well as speed and scale. All at very reasonable costs even a start-up can afford."

Olga Miler, Founder SmartPurse | Speaker I Award-winning Innovator

The project was previously implemented with a first design and sample content in Wordpress. After the takeover by MD Systems, the examples were analysed and a concept for the administration and development of the content was developed. Based on the design, modular elements were developed for the implementation in Drupal and the visual identity was refined. For optimal consistency and to minimize complexity in implementation and administration, variants were consolidated as far as possible and automated rules for their application were defined.

The functionality for tracking and visualizing a user's progress along the learning path was developed from scratch. The granularity of this functionality allows a single page to be divided into several individual steps. After interruption, the user can be returned to continue the path.

The modularity of Drupal and the well thought-out architecture of MD Systems lay the foundation for the planned on-going expansion of the learning functions, provision of an advisor tailored to the personal profile, multilingualism and regionalization of content.

The implementation of automatic recurring settlement on credit cards for memberships proved to be difficult, as providers of payment solutions have recently made major technical changes due to changes in regulations (Strong Customer Authentication). Existing Drupal solutions must first be adapted. To simplify matters, it was decided that monthly memberships can be renewed through an accelerated checkout. Discounted annual subscriptions are also offered for long-term members.

Drupal Core displays internal username

The processes around user registration using usernames or email are not always consistent in Drupal. Often, defining a separate username in addition to first and last name and email is also unnecessarily confusing for users, especially if you can also log in directly with email. Drupal basically allows an application to define how references to the user are displayed (with getDisplayName()). Work has continued on a solution, so that this instrument is respected consistently by Drupal and does not lead to inadvertent display of internal information.

H5P blocks background processes

For interactive "Learning Nuggets" components from H5P are used. A bug was fixed that could cause all background processes (cron) to be blocked.

CAPTCHA blocks registrations

After an update of reCAPTCHA it was found that despite a successful test of the registration, no further registrations by users were made. It turned out that CAPTCHA blocked all following registrations by inadvertently caching the first test parameters. The solution completely deactivates the cache for forms with a CAPTCHA, but has not yet been included in the official release of the module.

promoted content
Promoted content helps the user start somewhere meaningful.
protected content
If the user does not have access to content, they can be prompted to buy a membership.

financial survey
Once the user is logged in, they can take an assessment of their vision of finances, to allow them to access content relevant to their situation.
Users can access articles and webinars, to learn at their own speed. The dashboard offers an overview of the advancement of each course.
course list
In addition, users can access more in-depth courses, online or on site, on specific topics.
networking events
In addition to following courses and reading articles, users can register to various events, meetings and speeches to meet like-minded women.
find coach
The website is also a platform where users can find financial coaches for a more personal support.